Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Standards From the Rat Pack Era-4/28/09

Jamie Foxx was the coach/mentor tonight. I have a lot of respect for him; he's quite the singer and musician. He gave great advice. I'd listen to what he had to say.
My 2 favorite performances tonight were Adam and Danny. Allison did really well too. I think it's time for Kris and Matt to go. They just don't compare with the other 3. But I don't know who will go first. Matt should have gone home 2 weeks ago. Guess I'll say Matt. Who do you think should go home tomorrow?

Kris Allen-The Way You Look Tonight-Nothing that special to me. Pretty voice, I agree with Simon. He didn't really do anything that original with it.
Allison Iraheta-Someone to Watch Over Me-Well, that's my favorite standard to sing. She did a great job. Passionate, soulful, original. her voice is sounding more raspy every week. Will it last through the contest?
Matt Giraud-My Funny Valentine-A little pitchy, but nice singing. this song suited him.
Danny Gokey-Come Rain or Shine-Great singing, great performance, love him! Tender, soulful and from the heart. Great ending.
Adam Lambert-Feeling Good-Wow, so original, great song choice for him. Love him. Great singing as always. He really is an Olympic singer. He's always a pleasure and a surprise!


cdecotis said...

First of all, Yay for Jamie Foxx! He was amazing...and I love his sense of humor (the polar opposite of Q.Tarentino)

This is getting hard now...I really enjoyed everyone last night--my top three were Danny, Kris, and Adam. Matt was my least favorite, so I predict he'll be the one to leave tonight. Will the result show feature anyone Harry Connick, Jr-ish, I wonder? Would be welcomed after last week's disco flashback...yikes!

Vickie said...

We were both right about Matt. Good call. Is Kris next?