Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finale Results

Lee Dewyze won, as I predicted. Not a surprise, but a big disappointment. Crystal Bowersox is a better singer and performer, has more personality, more soul, but this is a popularity contest, and for some reason, Lee is more popular. So there you have it. I hope Crystal and Michael Lynch do well in their careers; those are the ones I look forward to hearing. C'est la vie.
Thanks to a fun season of AI, to the Poughkeepsie Journal, to Bob Miller at Morning Mix 97.7 FM, and farewell to Simon. And thanks to all my readers for your comments and insights.
I'll be performing this summer in and around the Hudson Valley area, so keep up on my facebook page or my website! Hope to see you at a show near you!

1 comment:

cdecotis said...

I felt Crystal should have won it.
I get the fact that Lee was an underdog of sorts and is very likeable and talented...but, with personal tastes aside, he really is not up to Crystal's level.

I didn't care for Lee's finale song choices. My favorite Lee song over the season was his take on Simple, I was disappointed to hear The Boxer again. Everybody Hurts..blah...and I really don't get It's a Beautiful Day at all as Lee's 1st release.

Oh, well, it is what it is.

Thanks for another blogging season, Vickie. Do you think you can stand another season of AI? Haha! I'll probably watch again and continue to gripe that the show's looking for an image rather than a vocalist with amazing performance skills...but that's what makes it fun, I guess! : )

Have a great summer gigging and hopefully relaxing a bit too. Enjoy.