Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Third Round Finals with Wild Card Selections

Well, they picked some good singers tonight from the third round of twelve: Scott MacIntyre, Lil Rounds and Jorge Nunez. I was surprised that Von Smith wasn't one of them, but these were all great choices. As I said last night, Lil Rounds is one of my 3 favorites from the whole group (the other 2 favorites being Adam and Danny).
Tomorrow night the judges choose the final 3 of the 12 from:
Von Smith (yeah!)
Jasmine (possible)
Rick (possible)
Tatianna (oy, more drama!)
Matt Giraud (possible)
Anoop (yeah!)

So sad Norman Gentle is out. He was a lot of fun, but didn't necessarily belong in this particular competition. He is just so entertaining. I hope he got a jump start from the exposure on this show and becomes some famous quirky celebrity and has his own TV show or Broadway musical.
For tomorrow night, I'm rooting for Anoop and Von Smith. As for the third choice, either Matt or Jasmine. I'm kind of unsure about who is as talented and interesting as Anoop and Von. I'm curious who the judges will choose. Looking forward to the top 12. Let's get to it already.

So, did America get it right tonight? Who do you think the judges will choose for the final 3 tomorow?

1 comment:

cdecotis said...

I was pleased to see my three were chosen last night, but it's hard to see the sad faces of those not going through...

Anyway, my picks (pre-Thursday night performances--could change after tonight)for wild card are: Anoop, thank goodness...Megan, and Von. I would have liked the welder/Tonic song guy to get another chance. Tatianna will be interesting, no doubt...but the extreme emotion is getting old.

I'll miss Nick/Norman too...Good-bye to silver lamet and terry head and wristbands! : (